User Roles Defined
System Admin – This managerial user belongs to one or more locations, divisions, and pipelines. They have access to everything related to their assigned locations, divisions, and pipelines and the ability to create, assign, and delete leads within their assigned locations, divisions, and pipelines. They receive the notifications they’ve selected in the system related to leads/tasks assigned to them and the leads/tasks for all of the users within their assigned locations, divisions, and pipelines. They can both manage existing and create new users in the user permissions section of the system.
Business Admin – This managerial user belongs to one or more locations, divisions, and pipelines. They have access to everything related to their assigned locations, divisions, and pipelines and the ability to create, assign, and delete leads within their assigned locations, divisions, and pipelines. They receive the notifications they’ve selected in the system related to leads/tasks assigned to them and the leads/tasks for all of the users within their assigned locations, divisions, and pipelines. They can manage existing users but cannot create new users in the user permissions section of the system.
Business Manager – This managerial user belongs to one or more locations, divisions, and pipelines. They have access to everything related to their assigned locations, divisions, and pipelines and the ability to create, assign, and delete leads within their assigned locations, divisions, and pipelines. They receive the notifications they’ve selected in the system related to leads/tasks assigned to them and the leads/tasks for all of the users within their assigned locations, divisions, and pipelines. They can neither manage nor create new users in the user permissions section of the system.
Full View – This user belongs to one or more locations, divisions, and pipelines. They have access to everything related to their assigned locations, divisions, and pipelines. New leads they create are automatically assigned to them, but they have the ability to reassign them to other users within their assigned divisions, locations, and pipelines. They also have the ability to delete leads. They only receive notifications related to leads/tasks that are assigned to them
Single View – This user belongs to one or more locations, divisions, and pipelines. They only have access to leads and tasks that are assigned to themselves. They have the ability to create and delete leads. New leads they create are automatically assigned to them. They do not have the ability to assign a lead to anyone except themselves. They only receive notifications related to leads/tasks that are assigned to them.
Assistant – This user belongs to one or more locations, divisions, and pipelines. They have the ability to create leads and assign them (one time) to other users within their assigned locations, divisions, and pipelines. Leads cannot be assigned to this user. Once created and assigned, the assistant no longer has access to view leads or receive any email updates about any leads in the system. They also have the ability to delete leads.