Merging Leads
Merging Similar Leads
From a Lead Detail Page’s Quick Actions Menu, the option “View Similar Leads” will appear when there are two or more open leads within the same pipeline that have the same last name, email address, or phone number as the current lead. This function allows the user to merge the current lead into a similar lead. The notes, files, samples and tasks of the current lead will be combined into the newly merged lead.
- To merge two similar leads, start from the Lead Detail Page of the lead you wish to merge into the target lead.
- Click on the “View Similar Leads” button. A tray will appear displaying all possible similar leads.
- Select the target lead from this list.
- A reminder will indicate that merging will transfer the current lead’s notes, files and samples to the target lead.
- Please note: the target lead’s detail page data, such as name, address, email, phone, and any other fields will be maintained and will not be overwritten by the data of the merged lead.
- Add a note to indicate the reason for the merge, and then click the “Merge Lead” button. Once two leads are merged together, the operation cannot be undone.