Listing Pages Explained
Listing Pages give a 360° view of all leads, tasks, or samples in the system. If you have the Customer Management Module, you’ll also have a 360° view of all companies and contacts in the system.
Listing Pages can be accessed from the Global Navigation Menu at the top of the page:
- The “Open” Lead Listing Page will show leads that are at an “Open” status stage. Examples of these stages include: “Unassigned”, “Assigned”, “Accepted”, “Contacted”, “Appointment”, “Estimating”, “Quoted”, “Negotiations”, or “On Hold”.
- The “Closed” Lead Listing Page will show leads that are at a “Closed” status stage. Examples of these stages include: “Dead”, “Completed Sale”, or “No Sale”.
- The “All” Lead Listing Page will show all leads, regardless of the status of their current stage.
- The “Deleted” Lead Listing Page will show leads that have been deleted (this is accessible only to managerial users).
- The “Incomplete” Task Listing Page will show a listing of all incomplete lead tasks that are associated with specific leads and incomplete user tasks.
- The “Completed” Task Listing Page will show a listing of all completed lead tasks that are associated with specific leads and completed user tasks.
- The “All” Task Listing Page will show both incomplete and completed lead tasks that are associated with specific leads and user tasks.
- Please note: If you have the Customer Management Module, Contact Tasks and Company Tasks will also be shown in the Task Listing Pages.
- The “With Customer” Sample Listing Page will show a listing of all samples that have a status of “With Customer”.
- The “On Order” Sample Listing Page will show a listing of all samples that have a status of “On Order”.
- The “Returned” Sample Listing Page will show a listing of all samples that have a status of “Returned”.
- The “All” Sample Listing Page will show a listing of all samples.
If you have the Customer Management Module, the following will also be included in your Global Navigation Menuat the top of the page:
Customer Management
- The “Companies” listing page will show a listing of all companies that have been created.
- The “Deleted Companies” listing page will show companies that have been deleted (this is accessible only to managerial users).
- The “Contacts” listing page will show contacts that have been created.
- The “Deleted Contacts” listing page will show contacts that have been deleted (this is accessible only to managerial users).
Additional Navigation Buttons
Clear Filters button – This button in the Listing Page Edit Menu will clear all filters on the listing page.
On the Fly™ button – This button in the Listing Page Edit Menu is used to run reports on the data within a listing page. To learn about this feature, see the On the Fly Reporting and On the Fly Totals reference documents.
Edit Columns button – This button in the Listing Page Edit Menu lists all of the columns that can be displayed on the current listing page. The user can toggle on or off each column name to display or hide it. The user can also reorder a column’s position within the listing page by clicking and dragging the hamburger icon (three parallel bars) beside each column’s name.
Export button – This button in the Listing Page Edit Menu allows a user to export all of the leads, tasks, or samples from a listing page along with the data in all columns to a comma separated values (CSV) file. The exporting user will receive an email from which the file may be downloaded. A copy of the user’s generated exports will also be added to the Files tab of their “Your Account” page. If you have the Customer Management Module, this button allows a user to export all of the companies or contacts on the listing page along with the data in all columns. Please note: If the listing page has an active filter(s), the export will reflect only the filtered data.
Plus button – This button at the top right of any listing or detail page opens a menu where users can do the following:
Create Lead – This button prompts the user to select a pipeline in which to quickly create a new lead.
Create User Task – This button prompts the user to create a specific task along with a due date and time. Depending on the user’s permissions, the user may also be able to assign the task to another user or multiple users.
If you have the Customer Management Module, from the Plus button you can also “Create Company” and “Create Contact”. To learn about these features, see the How to Create a Company and How to Create a Contact reference documents.